The Intuitive Artist

By Cherianne Dawn

"Intuition is the whisper of the soul"

🌀 A guided journey in how to develop the power of your subconscious intuitive mind by means of your hidden creativity. 

🌀 Designed to help you discover your own artistic voice, rather than conventional lessons in the reproduction of another artists style - to learn to live your life as a creative.

🌀 This course programme includes hands on art projects which are designed to release control, while still having the ability to artistically navigate your way to a desired outcome.                               

🌀 It includes proven in-depth techniques which help you to connect to your intuition. Through meditation, and the use of Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) you will work on your inner guide and mindset.

🌀 These progressive methods that increase your awareness, uncovers new ways of looking at yourself, and the world.


🌀 Informative and guiding videos spanning the development, connection, and expression of your true artistic nature. 


🌀 Practical steps on how to energetically hone yourself, and your environment to support your best artistic practices. 


🌀 Projects and tools to help you change your mindset to that of a truly creative artist.


🌀 Guidance tips on how to build a business from which to share or sell your art, and to live and thrive on your new intuitive skills.

🌀 'The Intuitive Artist' programme has been created in 6 self paced modules. To fully benefit from all of the course content and experience real transformation. It is suggested you give yourself ample time and not rush through each module. However, to cater for those who have more time in their everyday, each module will be released on a weekly basis.

"I have a completely different attitude to trying art now. Cherianne has encouraged me and steered me in the right direction.

I'm trying out more and more ideas now and I have so much confidence in doing so"

- Peter Walton

(Catching Visions Student)

"She has that rare ability to transmit spirituality and creativity in a way that is both easy to understand and personal to the individual.

As an artist she is fearless and extremely talented and insightful. She also imparts these gifts to others."

-Keith How

(contemporary painter)

The Intuitive Artist

Course Programme

  Module One - Sparking Your Imagination
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Two - The Awakened Creator
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three - Your Energy Ally
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four - Harnessing Your Creative Self
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five - Nurturing Your Physical and Environmental Supports
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Six - Believing in Your Unique Gifts
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently asked questions

How do I know the information on the course will work for me?

I guarantee this course will show you how to practically invest in yourself, every step of the way, fully uncovering your own creativity. True authenticity will always lead to the absolute best results in everything you do. It’s an exciting prospect to relate this to your art.

Where do I start in becoming an artist?

It’s not a question of how to become an artist..but the real question is how to uncover the artist that you already are.

This course will help you to finding ways of realising your artistic potential. In letting go to your intuition, our natural guidance system, and the most powerful of senses, you can honestly surprise yourself time and time again.

What if I can’t connect to my intuition?

We are all already connected, and born with this ability, it’s more a matter of increasing the awareness of it. In fact, it is because we are so in tune with it, that it commonly goes unnoticed, it's subtleties getting lost in the chaos of daily life.

How will I recognise it? 

Follow your intuition. In our day to day activities, we are in explicably attracted to certain things, that maybe we wouldn’t at first identify as having any significance. It could be a song, or a recurring thought or idea. 

How many times have you paused at a random item in the supermarket, only to find that you’d unknowingly run out of it when you got home..or that person that's on your mind calls when your just about to contact them..?

Sometimes we pass by those times, maybe call it a strange occurrence, but sometimes we feel the compulsion to investigate it further. This, I would call following up on your intuition.

 What might seem something of minor importance could possibly be a key to your higher purpose. So pay attention to what or who you might be drawn to, and who or what pops up from nowhere in your head!

This course helps to hone your senses, and further allow you to access your higher wisdom by means of creation.

The Intuitive Artist isn’t for you if -

  • You would like to learn specifics about a particular medium, eg-how to use glazes in oil painting

  • You have a predetermined idea of the art you’d like to produce, eg- you’ve seen a painting you really like and you only want to paint to accurately re-produce an image or style

  • You are expecting a ‘by the numbers’ art course to a specific product, eg- how to paint a highland cow in acrylics

  • You want to be told what is right and wrong -this is a journey to finding what feels valuable to you! 

  • You are not interested in self discovery or inner investigation, ie- you at not open to spiritual or energetic tools 

What is Catching Visions about?

  • Catching Visions is about opening up our intuitive self, with courses specifically designed to reconnect you with that navigation system.

  • Our subconscious is the closest connection we have to our higher self. The creativity within us lies one of the most powerful ways of accessing the gifts of that resource!

  • We all have this valuable guide that aids us in the paths we decide to take, and which serves our best outcomes.

  • To tap into our natural state of being is to reveal a creative one, in whatever form it may take. There are so many tools we can use, and ways of finding our strengths, that inner power that resides within to fully let go and express yourself.

  • These courses have been designed for you to develop in using practical, energetic, and varying creative projects, that of which will equally serve all, that are willing to learn and open to self discovery.

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious -
the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science."

An introductory summary of the course...

Finding your art - Sketchbook Journaling

Cherianne presents an insightful look into intuitive sketchbook journaling.

How it can be an integral way of opening up and freeing your creativity, and true artistic expression.

A fantastic method in self investigation when you let go of expectation and enjoy your discoveries, whatever they may be!

'l'art pour l'art - art for art's sake'

"I am a fine artist, that embraces the mystery to explore, and the feeling of where that might take me in my life and work.

Learning over the last 30 years how enriching the freedom of expression has been to my life, I have created a diverse space that allows me ongoing potential in which to play, and of which has opened up many opportunities in my working life.

After graduating with a fine art degree, I wished to keep on evolving the process of my work, and apply what I had learnt to various areas. I enjoy challenging myself, and continue to follow in the direction of what I have an intuitive draw towards.

From illustration to one man shows, in sculpture, as a painter, to tattoo art, and designing, it's been an important journey of self knowledge.

In my time owning a gallery, one which housed many prestigious artists work, including the many dream like perspectives of the great Marc Chagall, I learnt to see the art world from another view point. It was a fascinating experience of meeting a vast array of different talents, artists and good friends. Seeing the wide range in taste and attitude to the art world from many people was so valuable.

I really love to be an inspiration to others, and to instil the value of the individual vision and creativity we uniquely possess. To encourage a way of representing yourself and being true to your energy. Breaking away from misconceptions and realising how your art is a contribution that raises your own vibration and that of the world around you.

When I consider my path in life as an artist, what personally drives and energises me the most is being a little lost in the unknown. The many possibilities of where something could go... it's the moment I know I'm in the right place.

We are in an era now where self investigation, knowledge and expression is becoming so relevant, to our own expansion, and of the world we are part of"

Cherianne Dawn

"Everyone has their own colour"

'Become a true artist'

"This course will help to shed the stigma of what is often a conditioned belief, what is 'good art'. All art is valid, and authentic to the truth of the artist."

'Courage to find your expression'

"My school days were dogged by curriculum. Art was not open to be an experience of personal development. It was more a lesson in following the correct steps to a achieve an academic result.

This 'Intuitive Artist' course program is about expression, without fixed boundaries."

'Releasing expectation'

"This is a journey to uncover the ways in which you can achieve results that you really feel a part of.

Frustration often stems from comparison, or distraction with regard to other people's forms of art.

Creating what feels good to us, is what matters most."

1-1 Reading Sessions

Via Zoom

" This is where we begin, and the place we get to investigate and find the answers in assistance to your journey ahead. Life consists of many colours and facets, the right guides will step forward for what you’d like to achieve. 

Getting clearer on what would benefit you right now, an insight into your present, the questions that are coming up for you, you may feel unfocused and unfulfilled.

All of my work with clients is completely bespoke, this will offer an opportunity to fully realise your individual needs, talents and goals on your life path. "

Click below to find out more about Cherianne's work -

Life Path Alignment

Symbolic Reading


"I've known Cherianne for many years and I've always been a fan of her art and her effortless talents. A chance conversation lead me to Catching Visions and her 'Intuitive Artist' programme.

These videos inspired me to try painting after years of constantly telling myself I had no artistic ability. She has given me a relaxed approach to art. It's mine and I can do what I want with it.

I have a completely different attitude to trying art now. Cherianne has encouraged me and steered me in the right direction. I'm trying out more and more ideas now and I have so much confidence in doing so. It has willed me on to do more and this keeps me going and trying new things.

I've started to upload pictures of my paintings to online social media sites and the positive attention and comments my paintings are getting is a massive shock and total surprise.

I didn't think anyone would pay attention but they are.
Painting has given me something to look forward to. I think without a doubt Cherianne has finally made me realise I can do this and I am having a wonderful time proving her right. I cannot thank her enough for helping to bring this creativity out of me.

Peter Walton, (business consultant)

"Cherianne is intuitive , creative and enthusiastic. She has that rare ability to transmit spirituality and creativity in a way that is both easy to understand and personal to the individual. As an artist she is fearless and extremely talented and insightful. She also imparts these gifts to others. These are great qualities much needed now and in the days to come."

Keith How, (contemporary painter)

"Cherianne Dawn is an amazing intuitive artist! She has the ability to connect deeply with Spirit and to receive in depth information from both your Spirit Guides and her own and then translate these into breathtaking works of colour, energy, and aliveness. She has a great personality and is very humble and approachable. She explains things in a clear and down-to-earth manner that really makes the world of spirit both accessible and come alive with meaning."

Koru Z, (co founder, ‘Spiritbond’ )

"Cherianne is a truly unique and gifted soul and her art reflects this. She has the rare combination of being extremely talented whilst being very humble. Her art is simply inspirational and her process makes spirituality easily accessible to everyone. After I have been with her, or been speaking to her, I always find that my own psychic ability has increased and that I have ‘opened up’. I have not had this with anyone else I have met. She has endless patience and brings out the best in everyone she meets. The messages she receives from spirit are always accurate and relevant and she communicates these messages effortlessly. Teaching comes naturally to her and her approach and manner is warm, gentle and none judgemental. Could not recommend her courses or teaching enough!"

Niamh Phelan, (intuitive tarot reader)

"Cherianne is one of those rare artists who practice's spirituality and art and is able to join them. She has such a passion in both, whenever she talks about it you cannot help but listen and you feel like you have to try it or get into it. She explains everything in great detail, but simple enough so everyone can understand. She is sweet, lovely, and has a massive knowledge of life, art spirituality, and science too."

Eszter K , (artist, crafter, tattooist)

"I'm not good with words all I know is the first time I met Cherianne I described one of her guides hoping that she was receptive and luckily she didn't look at me like a crazy lady she actually pulled out a piece of art she had done and there she was the guide that was stood next to her ! So that says it all. She simply has a gift where she can put spirit and energy into her art. I didn't need any more evidence than what spirit gave me the first day we met ! To teach this to others is a gift that she has in abundance."

Becky W, (psychic medium, spiritual healer.)

"Having known Cherianne for many years, I truly believe others can benefit from her years of creative experience. Her attitude and enthusiasm towards her art is infectious and her skills show great adaptability and progression in many mediums. With her calm and encouraging approach, I feel this course will help to inspire and satisfy even the most novice of artists. Being a huge fan of her work, I can't wait to get stuck in!"

Kirsty W, (co founder ‘Cyclone Works’) 

"Cherianne has a brilliant flare for creativity and art! She is calm and understanding and fabulous at explaining her ideas and creations in a way I was able to understand."

James B

"She will show you and explain her ideas and be understanding. Cherianne is amazing as a person and with her work. She never makes you feel down and lifts you up every time."

Sharon R

"I've known Cherianne now for a number of years, She is very intuitive and always knows exactly what I'm after when I give her my ideas. The artworks she produces are amazing! She is brilliant at listening, always making sure you understand and is very patient too. Highly recommend this fabulous lady!"

Jade W